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Analysis of Followers' Reception Regarding Brand Ambassador Raffi Ahmad on Account @erigostore : Analisis Resepsi Followers Tentang Brand Ambassador Raffi Ahmad Dalam Akun @erigostore. Umroh, Lily Amelia. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Purcell Enhancement of a single T center in a silicon nanophotonic cavity. Johnston, Adam. Rice University.
Predicting Liver Segmentation Model Failure with Feature-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection and Generative Adversarial Networks. Woodland, McKell. Rice University.
„Mannauðurinn er hjarta vörumerkisins“. Rannsókn á því hvernig markaðsstjórar og mannauðsstjórar geta nýtt sér sameiginlegt mælitæki til að ná árangri. Dagbjört Telma Davíðsdóttir 1995-. University of Iceland.
The Role of Financial Technology and Financial Literacy with Digital Literacy as a Moderating Variable on Students' Financial Management Behavior: Peran Financial Technology dan Literasi Keuangan dengan Digital Literacy sebagai Variabel Moderasi terhadap Perilaku Pengelolaan Keuangan Mahasiswa. Fadiyah, Nur Laily. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Analysis of Elementary School Students' Drawings Viewed from the Metacognitive Aspect: Analisis Gambar Peserta Didik Sekolah Dasar Ditinjau dari Aspek Metakognitif. Yuliasanti, Imelda Selly. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Lát grǫn sía: Poetics of the Mouth in Egils saga and Vǫlsunga saga. Freya Alethe Schlaefer 2001-. University of Iceland.
The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Building the Psychology of Broken Students : Peran Pondok Pesantren Dalam Meningkatkan Psikologi Santri Yang Broken. Hidayah, Nurul. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Use of Improvement Science to Build the Instructional Capacity of Faculty in a Community College. Yohannan, Marianne. University of South Carolina.
Get To Know Yourself: Mengenal Diri Sendiri. Isnaini, Nur. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
A Critical Genre Analysis of Social Media News Reporting: The Case of Instagram. Anthony Thane, Angelicia. Victoria University of Wellington / Te Herenga Waka.
Relationship Between Self-Control and Consumer Behavior in a Student of Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo: Hubungan antara kontrol diri dengan perilaku konsumtif pada Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Atmaja, Muhammad Gustaf Adijaya. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Reading Aloud With Powtoon Video: Improving Primary School Students’ Pronunciation: Membaca Nyaring Dengan Video Powtoon:Meningkatkan Pengucapan Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Ajeng, Hera Galuh. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Novel Regulators of Monocyte Gasdermin D Activation and Release in Exosomes. Consiglio, Paul Louis Salvatore. The Ohio State University.
Optimizing Marketing Strategy Through Digital Marketing for MSME Products in the Culinary Sector in Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo Regency: Optimalisasi Strategi Pemasaran Melalui Digital Marketing Pada Produk UMKM Bidang Kuliner di Kecamatan Tanggulangin Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Suryono, Gatot. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Role of Peer Support and Self-Efficacy towards Student Engagement in Suko 2 Sidoarjo State Elementary School: Peranan Peer Support dan Self-Efficacy terhadap Student Engagement di Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) Suko 2 Sidoarjo. Hatta, Muhammad . Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Molecular Rotors for Quantifying Kinetic Effects of Stabilizing Non-Covalent Interactions. Lin, Binzhou. University of South Carolina.
Evaluating Hybrid Renewable Energy Solutions for Residential Power in Iceland. A Comparative Study of Diesel and Grid-Connected Systems. Shima Beheshti 1986-. University of Iceland.
The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility, Company Size, Leverage, Profitability, Good Corporate Governance, on Tax Aggressiveness in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Idx For the 2019 - 2022 Period: Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility, Ukuran Perusahaan, Leverage, Profitabilitas, Good Corporate Governance, terhadap Agresivitas Pajak pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bei Periode 2019 – 2022. Ayunarko, Maharani. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Bearing Witness: Testimony in Zabel Yessayan's "In the Ruins" Dilsa Ritsa Esli 1996-. University of Iceland.
Authentication, System Identification and Optimization of High Dimensional Dynamical Systems. Pi, Jianzong. The Ohio State University.
Analysis of the Role of Teachers in Forming a Generation of Religious at the Wali Barokah Islamic Boarding School: Analisis Peran Guru dalam Membentuk Generasi Religius di Pondok Pesantren Wali Barokah. Azhari, Imam . Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Kynbundin aldurs- og útlitshyggja gagnvart eldri konum á vinnumarkaði: Hindranir kvenna yfir fimmtugt til framgangs í starfi. Unnur Eva Ernudóttir 2000-. University of Iceland.
The Effect of Brain Gym Method on Fine Motor in Children with Intellectual Disabilities at SLB Aisyiyah Tulangan Sidoarjo: Pengaruh Metode Brain Gym terhadap Motorik Halus Pada Anak Tunagrahita Di SLB Aisyiyah Tulangan Sidoarjo. Rohmah, Ulfa Unzilatur. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Moral Education Through Mass Art: Implementing Vanderpump Rules in the Modern Ethics Classroom. Cosby, Madison A. University of Tennessee – Knoxville.
Beauchamps on Broadway: Ballet's Transition from Royal Privilege to American Popular Culture. Kaufman, Eric H. The Ohio State University.
Dynamics Of The Hénon-Heiles System And Generalizing The Sokhotski-Plemelj Formula. Sehgal, Kriti. The Ohio State University.
Design and Build a DC Motor Controller Using Voice Recognition: Rancang Bangun Pengendali Motor Dc Menggunakan Voice Recognition. Triaji, Imron Muhammad . Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Framboð og eftirspurn á tímum Covid-19. Beiting SVAR líkans með formerkjafjötrun til að greina þætti framboðs og eftirspurnar á Íslandi. Þorleifur Úlfarsson 1989-. University of Iceland.
Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles (P5) Project Implementation at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah: Implementasi Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Suyatno, Mangun. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Symmetrical Machine Learning. Packer, Daniel Jacob. The Ohio State University.
Investigation of Distribution and Transport of CO2 in Polyimine/MCM-41 Hybrid System: Modeling and Simulation Approach. Chen, Junhe. Georgia Tech.
Development of a Mango Harvest Management Information System. Dhonju, Hari Krishna. Central Queensland University.
Analysis Of The Performance Of Sumberejo Village Officials In Population Administration Services: Analisis Kinerja Aparatur Desa Sumberejo Dalam Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan. Mulia, Zitni Syifa'al Khirom Bela . Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Governança da inteligência artificial para salvaguarda da privacidade, proteção de dados e autodeterminação informativa. Soares, Paulo Vinícius de Carvalho. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
The Crucial Role of the Ahr-ilc3-il22 Pathway in I3c-mediated Protection Against Colitis and Associated Microbial Dysbiosis. Mitchell, Chandani. University of South Carolina.
Modelling the Transition from Goal-Directed to Habitual Behaviour. Yong, Amanda. Victoria University of Wellington / Te Herenga Waka.
Johtamisen merkitys työntekijöiden työhyvinvointiin ja vaihtuvuuteen. Aittola, Heidi. Theseus.
Benefício assistencial de prestação continuada às pessoas em situação de rua. Fiuza, Vinicius Soutosa. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
The Role of Religiosity and Social Support on Anxiety Facing Death in the Elderly: Peranan Religiusitas Dan Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Kecemasan Menghadapi Kematian Pada Lanjut Usia. Haq, Izzul. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
The Gendered Patterns of International Migration Systems: the Role of Need for Care. Lin, Chang-Yi. University of South Carolina.
Perspectivas de avaliação em Educação Física: aproximações entre a BNCC e o Projeto Político Pedagógico: Assessment perspectives in Physical Education: approximations between the BNCC and the Pedagogical Political Project. Schmidt, Eliana Baptiston. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
The Relationship of Social Support, Resilience, and Self Esteem to Academic Stress of High Achieving Students : Hubungan Dukungan Sosial, Resiliensi, dan Stres Akademik Terhadap Siswa Berprestasi. Oktavia, Adinda Rizky. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
The Influence of Debit Cards and Electronic Money on Spending Habits of Students at Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo : Pengaruh Kartu Debit dan Uang Elektronik Terhadap Spending Habits Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Rosafi, Muhammad Amrullah. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
FDG–PET and MRI in Anal Cancer Radiation Therapy: Exploring their Use in Planning, Treatment and Response Assessment. SMITH, DREW WILLIAM GLADSTONE. Monash University.
Coupled Flow and Transport in an Organ and its Vasculature. Tzolova, Bilyana. Rice University.
Assessing Multi-Annual Phytoplankton Community Compositions and Biomass Across Tidal Creek and Open Water Estuarine Habitats in South Carolina. Powers, Shannon Elizabeth. University of South Carolina.
The Effect Of Budgetary Goal Characteristics, Financial Attitude, Personality And Income On Financial Performance Of Batik Business Actors In Sidoarjo District: Budgetary Goal Characteristics, Sikap Keuangan, Kepribadian, Dan Pendapatan Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pada Pelaku Usaha Batik Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Mustofah, Muhammad. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Transcriptomic, physiological and biochemical responses of turmeric (Curcuma longa) to heat stress. Musaev, Kirill. California State University – Northridge.
Three-Dimensional Shockwave/Boundary-Layer Interactions on Swept Compression Ramps at Mach 4. Murphree, Jamison. University of Tennessee – Knoxville.
Social Justice Intentions and Belief in The Permanence of Systemic Racism. Ivy, Vanessa. The Ohio State University.
Synthesis and Characterization of 2D Chalcogenide Materials Towards Applications. Bishop, Alexander J. The Ohio State University.
B-Spline Impulse Response Functions for Transient SSI Analysis of Pile Foundations. Ozegbe, Kingsley C. University of South Carolina.
STEM Identity and Persistence among Underrepresented Students. Burrill, Leanne Barry. The Ohio State University.
Applications of Planned Missing Data Designs in Latent Change Score Models. Ceviren, Ayse Busra. The Ohio State University.
Building Secure Runtime Programmable Networked Systems. Xing, Jiarong. Rice University.
Kehittyminen valmentavana asiakaspalvelujohtajana rahoitusalalla. Räisänen, Vilma. Theseus.
The Effectiveness of The Hope Institute Model: A Treatment Approach for Suicide. Lee, Derek J. The Ohio State University.
„Það var náttúrulega algjör glundroði fyrstu dagana“ Reynsla stjórnenda hjá Grindavíkurbæ af því að halda starfsemi gangandi í kjölfar rýmingar sveitarfélagsins. Soffía Snædís Sveinsdóttir 1984-. University of Iceland.
The Clutching Inerter Damper in Base Isolation and with Variable Inertia for Vibration Control. Cupp, Wyatt L. University of Tennessee – Knoxville.
Evaluation of Bioengineered Bank Stabilization Methods for Use in Stormwater Mitigation Programs. Armitage, Jaimie Ellen Dieker. University of Tennessee – Knoxville.
Effectiveness of the Internal Control Environment as an Effort to Detect and Prevent Fraud: Efektivitas Lingkungan Pengendalian Internal Sebagai Upaya Deteksi dan Pencegahan Kecurangan. Nadhifah, Binti. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Andragogy, Accessibility, and Adult ESL: An Analysis of English Language Teaching Curricula. Snow, Olivia Robyn. University of Tennessee – Knoxville.
Object Classification, Detection and Tracking in Challenging Underwater Environment. Modasshir, Md. University of South Carolina.
„Það er svo margt sem gleður í þessu starfi” Upplifun og reynsla grunnskólakennara af vellíðan í starfi og áhrifaþáttum í vinnuumhverfi. Elva Björg Jóhannsdóttir 1981-. University of Iceland.
UAV-Based Tracking and Following of Railroad Lines. Lewandowski, Keith Michael. University of South Carolina.
The Influence of Green Intellectual Capital and Sustainability Reports on Company Value with Financial Performance as a Moderating Variable: Pengaruh Green Intellectual Capital Dan Sustainability Report Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Kinerja Keuangan Sebagai Variable Moderating. Hariyati, Nisrina Mahfudhoh . Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
The Ikaros zinc finger transcription factor Eos as a novel regulator of STAT5 phosphorylation in CD4+ T helper cells. Tuazon, Jasmine Ashley. The Ohio State University.
The Effect of Media Literacy Cloud on Reading Out loud Skills in Elementary School: Pengaruh Media Literacy Cloud Terhadap Keterampilan Membaca Nyaring di Sekolah Dasar. Khoirun Nisa`, Ayu. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
The Influence of Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM) on Stock Prices (Manufacturing Companies in the Consumer Good Industry Sector on the IDX 2019-2022): Pengaruh Return On Asset (Roa), Return On Equity (Roe) Dan Net Profit Margin (NPM) Terhadap Harga Saham (Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor Consumer Good Industry di BEI 2019 -2022). Pawulandari, Aurellia. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Takmörkun: Áhrif COVID-19 á bari í miðbæ Reykjavíkur. Richard Alexander Allen 1987-. University of Iceland.
Strategies Marketing for Maintaining The Existence, Product, Raw Materials, and Labor Of The Bag Craft Industry in Tanggulangin (Case Study On CV. Parikesit): Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Mempertahankan Eksistensi, Produk, Bahan Baku, dan Tenaga Kerja Industri Pengerajin Tas di Tanggulangin (Studi Kasus CV. Parikesit). Nuzulaturrayhan, Muhammad. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Businesses or Beneficiaries: the Submerged Consequences of Workfare Policy Design. Lowder, Morgan Alexander. University of South Carolina.
The Existence of Kampoeng Batik Jetis and Its Impact on the Socio Ekonomic and Environmental Life of the People of Jetis Village Sidoarjo: Eksistensi Kampoeng Batik Jetis dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Masyarakat Kampung Jetis Sidoarjo. Anggraini, Elisah Fitri. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Sales Prediction Analysis and Startegy for Increasing the Value of Basic Needs Products at PT. Bella Santika Group: Analisis Prediksi Penjualan dan Strategi Peningkatan Nilai Produk Kebutuhan Pokok pada PT. Bella Santika Group. Sibelawanti, Sibelawanti. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Caregiver Strategies for Changing Behaviour in Orphanages Putra Kediri: Strategi Pengasuh dalam Merubah Perilaku di Panti Asuhan Putra Kediri. Ramadhan, Musa Al Asad. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Analysis of Electronic Signature Standardization Based on UU ITE: Standarisasi Tanda Tangan Elektronik Berdasarkan UU ITE. Santoso, Elga Dwiky. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
The Effect of Price Perception, Product Quality, and Store Atmosphere on Customer Satisfaction at Belikopi Sidoarjo : Pengaruh Persepsi Harga, Kualitas Produk, dan Store Atmosphere terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Belikopi Sidoarjo. Firmansyah, Mochammad Andra. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Echoes of Heritage: Documenting Contemporary Works from Singapore Featuring the Cello. Koh, Eunice. University of South Carolina.
The Relationship Between Authoritarian Parenting and Emotional Maturity With the Tendency for Juvenile Delinquen Behavior: Hubungan Antara Pola Asuh Otoriter Dan Kematangan Emosi Dengan Kecenderungan Perilaku Kenakalan Remaja. Febrianti, Deinira Putri. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
An Investigation of Morphological, Genetic, and Metabolomic Factors Impacting Insect Herbivory Resistance in <i>Vitis labrusca</i> Grapevine. Dixon, Cullen William. The Ohio State University.
The Effect of Environmental Affinity and Environment-Related Disclosure Nature on Investor Perceptions and Judgments. Liu, Peina. Georgia Tech.
Mathematical Modeling and Reconstruction of Porous Media to Understand Transport Phenomena for Electrochemical System Applications. Sepe, Mitchell. University of South Carolina.
The Creative Writing Pedagogy of Black Mountain College. Gareis, Bethany. University of Tennessee – Knoxville.
Associations Between Infant Vagal Regulation, Early Social Communication, and Socidemographic Risk. Djiko, Tessa. University of South Carolina.
Development of the Childrens’ Primitive Reflex Integration Assessment Scale.docx. wang, meng. Figshare.
Stigmögnun ofbeldis í nánu sambandi. Nikólína Ósk Rúnarsdóttir 1987-. University of Iceland.
Controlled human infection with <i>Neisseria lactamica</i>. Gbesemete, Diane Frances. University of Southampton.
Collective mindfulness in organizational sub-units. Chatterjee, Aniruddha. Macquarie University.
Trustworthy UAS: A Holistic Approach. Taylor, Max Henry. The Ohio State University.
Chocolate trail in Porvoo: considering Porvoo as a chocolate tourism destination in Finland. Kuisma, Emma. Theseus.
The Role of Toddler Posyandu Cadres in Realizing Stunting Free Villages (Study in Kalipecabean Village, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency): Peran Kader Posyandu Balita Dalam Mewujudkan Desa Bebas Stunting [Studi di Desa Kalipecabean Kecamatan Candi Kabupaten Sidoarjo]. Sandra, Feni. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Efficient Hardware Architectures for Generalized Integrated Interleaved Codes. Tang, Yok Jye. The Ohio State University.
Hardening and Adapting Trusted Execution Environments for Emerging Platforms. Sang, Fan. Georgia Tech.
The Relationship between Gratitude and Resilience with the Psychological Well-Being of Adolescents at the Aisyiyah Sidoarjo Orphanage: Hubungan Kebersyukuran dan Resiliensi dengan Kesejahteraan Psikologis Remaja di Panti Asuhan Aisyiyah Sidoarjo. Wijayanti, Cindi. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Camille Beauty's Digital Marketing Strategy as an Effort to Increase Product Selling Power: Strategi Digital Marketing Camille Beauty sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Jual Produk. Putri, Aliya Yuniar Salsabila Setiawan . Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Time Management, Communication and Work Stress on the Productivity of Students Who Work at Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University: Manajemen Waktu, Komunikasi dan Stress Kerja pada Produktivitas Mahasiswa yang Bekerja di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Fakhruddin, Jundi ahnaf . Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.

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